Overtime Meter

Overtime meter is a small wxPython program which stays in your tray and counts the minutes your spend at work. Then by the end of the month you can tell your boss exactly how much extra money he should pay you.

Author: Krzysztof Rzymkowski


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On the first run of the application a config file (overtime.cfg) will be generated with your assistance


Overtime Meter stays in the tray. It will show up as a yellow ball when is it not counting you work time. As a green ball when counting work time, and as red ball when your're doing overtime (more then 8h at work). i

At start Overtime Meter will always come out yellow for the first few seconds, so that you have a moment to turn it off in case you've turned your computer out of work and don't have HostAtWork defined

If you click on the Overtime Meter icon or select History from the icon's menu, then a grid showing history of your work time will pop-up